“Change the way you think and you will change the way you live.”

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Tracy Frederick

Energy Healer & Empowerment Coach

You may know about your physical condition, but do you realize that for every underlying ailment there is also another cause for your pain?

Trapped emotions in our body will cause us to feel mental, emotional, physical or spiritual discomfort in our lives. Some people will experience similar conditions and symptoms, but the cause will always be unique to you.

This is what is making you sick and you can be healed!

If you are tired of riding the rollercoaster of life’s ups and downs or you want to get away from hamster wheel thinking, I can help you make sense of what’s going on with you. Your emotions can be healed, and your thoughts can be changed. You are strong enough to do this, you only need a little encouragement from me. I will help you by showing you how incredible you already are, allowing you to take your power back by controlling your life instead of it controlling you!


 Not sure where to start?

Energy Reading/Healing

Not sure where to start or how I can help you?

Most people start with an Energy Reading. This will give you a foundation of where to start healing. A reading will give you the underlying emotional cause of your physical condition.

If you are not experiencing a physical condition, you will still have various causes for the way you are feeling and the experiences that you are having in life that keep you out of balance. The sooner you can identify the emotions that are blocking you, the sooner your healing will begin.

Empowerment Coaching

If you have already had an Energy Reading with me and you want to know how to release long term beliefs and old ways of thinking and replace them with healthy boundaries by gaining a new perspective on a current situation, then I suggest a coaching session. This is where you will be taught action steps that will move you out of your current behavior and into one that will bring desired results with those around you.

For some people one (1) coaching session will be all you need to gain a new perspective on your current situation. If you struggle with change, you may want to book more sessions and take the time needed to incorporate new behaviors and patterns that will better serve you.


A Message From Tracy

Behind every physical condition there is an underlying emotional CAUSE. When you get to the root of what is causing your emotional pain, your physical body will begin to heal.

Your body is always talking to you and its constantly trying to get your attention. It starts with an ache or uncomfortable feeling, but you ignore it—passing it off as nothing until it manifests itself into a full- blown attack, illness, or disease and you find yourself seeking help from an outside source.

It’s called the mind, body, and spirit connection. Your spirit is who you really are. When you venture away from what makes you happy and fulfilled it is your spirit, the true essence of your being, that suffers the consequences by showing up in the form of a physical condition, and it all starts in the mind.

It could be something as simple as acid reflux because you are having trouble digesting recent information about a relative, friend, or coworker. For another person it could be a hurting foot with the underlying cause of not being able to take a step forward and doing something that they really want, such as starting a new business, quitting a job that drains them emotionally, or leaving a relationship that is no longer working.

We have all heard the saying where the mind goes, energy flows. Positive or negative, it is our thoughts that generate our beliefs and actions. This is what creates the energy in our body. Sometimes energy gets stuck, and it just needs to be moved!

There are many ways to get your energy flowing in the right direction. When you consent to an Energy Reading/ Healing session, I will be sensing any blocks, tension, and discomfort that keeps you from moving forward in life. Once we discover the root cause of the block or belief it may be beneficial to dive deeper into how you can change your thoughts through empowerment coaching sessions.

Sending you love, light and compassion,

What People Are Saying


“I have known Tracy for over 35 years. Through our journey I have witnessed a remarkable GOD given gift blossom in Tracy.

In 2020 I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. We immediately began work on healing me from the inside out. The emotional healing was the most powerful part of my progress. Tracy focused on getting me to release past emotional pain that I held on to from my childhood. This was the most rewarding part of my healing!

Each healing session through my chemo helped me tolerate the treatments. My oncologist was amazed how well I handled heavy doses of chemotherapy and radiation. Fighting any type of health issue is all about the mindset and Tracy did an amazing job coaching me.

— Betty B.
Mandeville, LA

“My reading with Tracy was amazing. The evidence that came through was so accurate and current. Tracy was able to read my energy and provide information that was not necessarily in relation to my physical health but instead my emotional health. This allowed me to clear away the thoughts that I was having about a situation and make room for a new way of thinking.

As an added bonus, my husband, who passed away a few years ago, came through beautifully along with other happenings in my past and the present. The one thing that really touched me was when my husband said to look for a penny in his dresser drawer. I found a Canadian penny in the place he described. We were married in Canada and the date on the coin was our wedding date! Thank you, Tracy for this remarkable reading and for using your abilities to make a difference in my life.”

Dallas, TX

“I have always been very drawn to having a reading but never had the courage to do so. Tracy was very comforting and reassuring during the entire process. I was so surprised with the messages I received. Memories from my past that shaped me to the person I am today were shown. Things from the current day that I need to work on that are causing anxiety in my life were also revealed. Tracy was so helpful in giving me exercises to work on. I am so happy I finally took the leap to have this done and I am so grateful to have her knowledge and support through this process. You truly have a special gift!

— T.L.