Energy Reading/Healing

An Energy Reading allows me to scan the body for physical illness and disease and tune into the emotional, mental, and spiritual influences that are affecting your health and well-being. I regularly intuit information that goes beyond describing only the physical issue of health. I also intuit and share less obvious influences, such as repressed emotions, past trauma, negative thoughts, and attitudes that may be affecting a client’s health. Our relationship and career choices, as well as our soul plan lessons and life purpose also contribute to our overall health and well-being. After reading your energy we will discuss my findings and you will have the opportunity to ask about any situations that did not come up during the reading. Sometimes, with the help of my guide team an energy healing may be offered to you. You are under no obligation to receive this healing; the choice is yours.

What are the benefits

  • To reveal any physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental conditions

  • Identify the underlying emotional cause of an illness, ailment, or condition

  • Bring to light any past and present patterns or behaviors causing you to feel misunderstood, underappreciated, or less valuable to yourself and others

  • Help you to recognize the limiting beliefs that you have about yourself and where they came from

  • Allow you AHA moments as you are shown your situation from another perspective

How does it work

I tune into your energy field and receive information about your physical symptoms, illnesses or conditions. I will perceive the areas of discomfort, tension or pain that are causing your emotional stress. Once these areas are identified, I will use various modalities to shift this energy so it can flow through you, relieving your pain and stress. Once unblocked you will be coached on action steps to keep your energy Flowing in the right direction.

Why do you need an Energy Reading?

You know when you are not feeling well. There is something going on in your body, and you just can’t figure it out and neither can a health care professional. It is your intuition or gut feeling warning you to pay attention to your symptoms. There is another cause for your physical condition, and it can be found in your energy field.

Having an Energy Reading will identify the physical condition and the underlying mental, emotional, and spiritual cause where you can then learn to heal yourself.


1 session (60 Minute) $157

4 sessions (60 Minute/session) $518

Energy Reading & Empowerment Coaching Session Combined

This includes an Energy Reading and an Empowerment Coaching together in one session. You will receive the benefits of both services in one combined appointment.

1 Energy Reading and Coaching Session (90 Minutes) $207

**Pricing Includes processing fees