Are You Second Guessing Yourself?

Have you been second guessing yourself lately? Why do we second guess ourselves when it comes to making decisions?


We do this because on some level we do not trust ourselves to make the right choice. And where does this come from? If you have ever made a decision to do something and it didn't turn out the way you wanted it to, you will immediately tear yourself down and start the second-guessing process. You start to say things like, I knew better than to do that! Dang it, I wish I would have done XYZ instead.


You automatically assume you made the wrong choice because you don’t trust yourself to be right.


This kind of negative self-talk puts you in a pit of despair and it becomes easier and easier to continue this cycle which gets you nowhere. Has this happened to you before?


In order for change to happen you have to get to the real issue. It's not about the inability to make a choice, it's about not trusting yourself. Start there. Trail back to why you feel this way and find a memory that caused this feeling to surface. It could go back as far as childhood, or it could be from yesterday's lunch with a friend.  


When we don't trust ourselves, we turn to others for answers or suggestions.


This will keep us relying on others and underestimating our ability to make choices for ourselves. You also may have had the experience of asking someone's opinion and not taking the advice given. But that is just what it is, an opinion. This can be healthy for you because it allows you to trust yourself by doing what feels right instead of succumbing to the desires of someone else. This can also be an empowering step for you by realizing that you can make choices and decisions without the help of others. When you begin to trust yourself, you will no longer value the opinions of others over your own.


If you need help processing why you can’t trust yourself or others, reach out. I can help you.



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