How Are You? No, Really?


 How are you? No really. How are you?

It’s been a while since you have heard from me, so I wanted to let you know that I am still around doing what I love; styling hair and energy reading & healing work.

Since losing my husband in October of 2022, I have been trying to find my new normal. That means that I have had to figure a few things out on my own and the things that do not make sense to me, I am soliciting help from others for that. I get it that you may be stuck where you are on your personal discovery of life. I understand that you are not sure what kind of help you need, because that’s where I have been for the past 10 months.  I am right there with you!

If you are stuck in a routine or pattern that is making you feel dragged down with low energy and you are not sure what to do or how to move yourself out of it, you may want an energy reading. This gets to the root cause of what is going on with you on a deeper level.

 For every physical condition there is an underlying emotional, mental, or spiritual cause.

Not all blocked energy manifests itself into a physical condition. Sometimes it’s our beliefs that need changing. Other times it may be the way we speak to ourselves and others that can make the difference. When energy is stuck it needs to be moved out of our system so that we can begin enjoying the life we are creating.

What does stuck energy look like?

·         Why do I feel mad at myself or my partner? (Mental cause)

·         I have pain in my body, and I want it gone. (Physical cause)

·         I feel controlled by kids, spouse, work, parents, or friends. (Emotional cause)

·         I can’t seem to understand why people do what they do. (Spiritual cause)

The list could go on and on and I’m sure you could add a thing or two and make the list even longer.

The quicker we make sense of what’s going on in our life the faster we can fix it and move on.

There is an answer to all your questions and concerns. If you want to know the cause of what is blocking you, you may want to consider having an energy reading where together we can break down the barriers and discovery what is really going on inside of you so you can begin to heal the wounds of the past and begin living right now. Check out what I do and then decide if I am a good fit for you.

Let your healing journey begin. I look forward to hearing from you.

With love and appreciation,



You Are in the Driver’s Seat


Your Words Have Power